Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On Homes and Leaving the Best One Yet.

As most have probably already heard, I am in the midst of packing up, cleaning and leaving my house. For some reason, those of the housing world see my sister and I an unfit to live in their homes, therefore I am in the process of moving to my parent's house. Now, the odd thing about the house that you have lived in since you were 3 years old, is that after a certain point in time, generally after you've lived out of it for over three years, it tends not to feel much like home. Maybe it's because now I will have to face my parents when I come home drunk from bars? Yeah, probably.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Indie-Mart Aftermath

Two days after Indie-Mart and I am still tired. It was absolutely amazing and went even better than I could have ever imagined. The day started out a bit stressful. I had had about 6 hours of sleep the 48 hours prior (I left everything to do up until the last two days before, naturally) to arriving. Once we got there I unpacked, set up my area and immediately left to go over to the East Bay to look at a house that ended up being more of a hobbit's crack den. After spending about 5 minutes in Oakland, I jumped right in the car to wait in an hour and a half worth of traffic to get back to the fair. When I finally got back, it was only smooth sailing from there. I am pleased to say that I sold all but one piece! Now what comes next for Young Lady, You're a Mess is an ETSY STORE! For all those who purchased something or inquired about online shopping, an etsy store should be up in running in the next twoish weeks. If anyone wants to order something similar to what they saw on Sunday, you could always just email me Here and I can specially make one!

And now I am off to pack up my house and ponder the fact that I will be living in a storage unit as of later this week. Fun, right?

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Too Much To Do

I've been MIA lately due to the fact that I am still homeless come the month of August, Indie-Mart is the DAY AFTER TOMORROW and I still am not done making the actual jewelry that I am supposed to be selling at this things AND I have to pack and be out in ONE week. That's a whole lotta uppercase. Anyways, if you are in the bay area, head over to Thee Parkside  and come check out all of the amazing crafts! I'll be back with far too many pictures and most likely a sunburn of some sort.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bizarre Bazaar

Last night Will and I went to dinner followed by a walk in the park and an evening at the Academy of Sciences. Every Thursday the Academy of Sciences stays open late for a happy hour-drinks-after-dinner thing. It's a discounted admission, which for 8 dollars less looking at the albino alligator with bumping electronica in the background, isn't the worst thing that could happen. Besides falling in love with the albino gator and spending a good ten minutes trying to construct a plan to steal it with Will, we spent most of the time hanging around their "Bizarre Bazaar". Oddly enough, they had a craft fair that night amongst all the mixed drinks, wildlife and women in far too short skirts paired with far too high heels. I ended up buying two prints from this women who was part of Portland's Power and Light Press. She was pretty cool and seemed over the crowd as well, and not to mention the most reasonably priced vendor there. Will got to nerd out for a bit talking to her about printing  all while I bought too much of her stuff. I bought this  and this with the full intention of decorating my crafting table in my new (seeming to never to be found) house. Anyways, check them out and buy some stuff.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Sneak Peek

A wrapped gold bracelet
I've been working like crazy on finishing everything for Indie Mart. After going to Renegade yesterday, I realized that I think I need to make more than what I initially thought. So I have been hunkered down the past couple of days turnin' out quite a bit. But today is monday and my extra long weekend has ended and now it's time to put the apron back on and play lunch lady to the greater part of Marin County.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Renegade Finds

After spending two hours and too much money at the craft fair, I came away feeling pretty excited about the upcoming Indie-mart. I found one jewelry designer in particular who shared a similar outlook on selling handmade jewelry, who happened to make some very cool pieces (Affordable too!) She is a bay area based designer named Isobell. Her jewelry is very simple and based on shapes. (I'm a sucker for triangles and circles, what can I say?) . I suggest you check out her her stuff here!

All Photos Property of Isobell Jewelry
Among Isobell I discovered some other really awesome crafty people as well. If you find yourself perusing Etsy with nothing cool to look out (doubtful that'd ever happen, but...) check out Appetite, an amazing homeware/bedding/leather handbag maker based out of Portland. (Her stuff is so cool, that my best friend bought a 150 dollar handmade leather bag from her.)

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Saturday, July 9, 2011


Those of you who know me, know that I shamelessly still sleep with my baby blanket. I still bring everywhere I will be sleeping. (i.e. vacations, boyfriends house, parents house, friends houses, etc...) My dad always jokes that I will be brining in on my honeymoon and wrapped in it on my deathbed, all of which is very possibly true. Thankfully, when Will and I started dating, he didn't run the other direction when I pulled Montia out of my bag the first time I slept over at his house. Yesterday, Will told me he had a present for me. Out of his backpack he pulled out a folded paper. I unravelled it to see that he had surprised me by painting a picture of me with Montia, or more Montia wrapped around my face. It's probably one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. Not only did he not run the opposite direction at the sight of the ragged blanket, but he actually painted a portrait of me and my most favorite possession. Pretty sweet, right? So, without further ado, I introduce you to not only the real Montia, but the painted version as well.

The real Montia, in its natural habitat: my pillow

The Painting Will did. (Sorry for the shitty quality, it is just my camera phone)
Also, I forgot to mention that it is titled, "Montia Sea", which makes it even better. As for me now, I am off to Renegade!

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Thursday, July 7, 2011


Tangleweeds is an awesome jewelry designer that i discovered at Pretty Penny (Favorite Oakland thrift) when I bought a pair of her oblong hoop earrings. Ever since then, this girl has been popping up everywhere I seem to be. Namely at this past First Friday, where I got to meet her at a booth she had tucked away in the corner. Naturally, she is just as cool as her jewelry which made me like them even more. I suggest you check out her etsy and indulge in some very reasonably priced, hand forged jewelry. I am especially inspired by her stuff because i am breaking out of the embroidery wrapped jewelry world and testing out my metal arts abilities to see if I can come up with anything half as neat as Tangleweeds'. 

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


If you are in the SF bay area this weekend, or even the Los Angeles area next weekend, I highly suggest checking out the Renegade Craft Fair. (This coming weekend is SF and the following is LA.) There are going to be a ton of different vendors selling everything from clothes to little knick-knacks. Being the craft whore that I am, I am so unbelievably excited and happy that I have the whole weekend off to blow the money I don't have here.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sweltering Heat

 This holiday weekend was spent planted on the couch, cooking, griping about the heat and eating more red meat than I ever thought possible.  I would say I celebrated being American the right way.

I've been on this new crazy food allergy detox diet thing and have been experimenting with different recipes with the "ok'ed" foods. I tried out this recipe that I thought of using one of my dad's recipes as a rough outline. I have to admit the preparation photos look disgusting, but I promise the final product was delicious. If you don't believe me ask Will, he ate the whole damn thing.

Three whole eggs & three egg whites with some herbs

I cut up some fresh grilled salmon & grilled asparagus

Threw it all in a frying pan & poured the egg concoction over  it all 

Added some goat cheese to the top

Put it in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Art Murmur

Last night Natalie, Will and I attended Oakland's First Fridays after eating homemade olive lentil burgers, beets and mint mojitos. It was insanely crowded which made me a little crazy, but nonetheless i definitely discovered some new local artists ( I will be sharing them in the near future). After all the galleries closed, we stumbled into the Stork Club and caught an awesome patriotic burlesque show, which was Ah-mazing. I have some pictures of those as well which I will share soon.

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