Monday, May 30, 2011

Hey! Check out....


All Photos Belong to Allison Watkins
On the first friday of every month all the galleries in Oakland stay open late, serve wine and launch their new exhibits. One street (23rd...I think) is closed down and vendors set up all down the street and sell their handmade crafts and other good stuff. Not to mention that the most delicious food carts are conveniently located amongst all the vendors. (How delicious are the food carts you ask? Four words: Deep-Fried Grilled Cheese.) This past first friday, my friend Natalie and I walked down from her house. It was absolutely freezing and jam packed with people  which made it a little difficult to fully take in all the art work at the galleries, but at one gallery in particular, at a show called Domicile Tendencies, I discovered an artist that I am  now crazy obsessed with, Ms. Allison Watkins. I can probably attribute my obsession to the fact that I will soon be a textiles major at SF State (fingers crossed) and am actually an 80 year old woman who needlepoints in bed, reading glasses and all. It was really inspiring to see an artist use embroidery to create these etherial pieces, because it's the medium I'd like to work with myself. It took reading her artist's statement to understand that she took pictures of her clothes hanging in her closet and embroidered the shapes made by the hanging clothes. As a self-proclaimed clothes horse myself, I thought that this was an insanely awesome idea. Anyways, I will stop ranting long enough for you to check her out.

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

unnecessary Raspberry Tarts.

This weekend was spent drinking copious amounts of beer, dancing, quality dog hangout time,rooftop dinner-picnics, a trip to the museum and a finished necklace (well, kind of. Until I accidentally broke it).

On saturday, the bf, my mother and I went to the de young, oddly enough for my first time. I was a bit hungover and out of it, due to the copious amounts of beer and dancing the previous night, (that's where that raspberry chocolate tart comes into play-odd breakfast hangover food decisions) so naturally I wasn't as enthused to be on my feet for several hours. Oddly enough, the exhibit I found the most amazing and beautiful was the wire sculpture pieces in the lobby by the elevators up to the tower. The sculptures were made by Ruth Asawa. The thing that made them so beautiful was they way the light hit them causing them to cast slightly eerie shadows. They look a little like this and I suggest you check her out:

And now I leave you with quite possibly the cutest thing to ever grace a computer screen.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

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Welcome! You've stumbled about Mine&Yours. (lucky you) A blog about all things creative and inspiring.   Mine&Yours is a place for me to share all the things that I find inspiring, and a way to take quite literally what's "mine" and make it "yours". So, take a peep and ENJOY.