Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I've always had a mild obsession with Debbie Harry. When I was 13 years old I went through a phase of dressing like her. (That was right after my vintage Madonna phase but before my retro pinup look at the ripe age of 14.) The only part of this song/video I really like is her badass rap, which I believe was the first rap song to ever be featured on the OG MTV.

Today is my only day off for quite some time and I've literally spent it all in bed watching true blood and researching Blondie videos.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Morbid Ideas

I found these morbid terrariums a while back and I'm now considering trying my hand at them since I've been exploring my green thumb-ness. They'd be perfect for my new house (that I'm convinced I'm never going to find). And I mean, who wouldn't love a tiny cemetary hanging in their house? I sure would.

Oh, and it recently dawned on me that Indie-Mart falls on the weekend before I have to be completely moved out of my house. So not only will I be completing necklaces this month, I will also be feverishly emptying my apartment, working crazy amounts of hours AND house hunting. Hooray.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Third Degree Burns

The other morning I walked down to the beach with Will to drink some coffee and enjoy one of the only non-foggy days in San Francisco. I collected some drift wood for a craft project that I've been wanting to create. Since I've been making so many necklaces, I've officially ran out of random places to hang them in my room and decided I should make a necklace/jewelry. It was insanely messy (allllll the sand fell onto my kitchen floor) but also insanely easy. All that is needed is: wood, spin hooks, tacks and some sort of item that can be used to hammer them in. Here it is: 

Also, I went swimming yesterday and I got worse sunburn I've ever had. 

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Check out...


All Photos Belong to Will Buhler

Ok, ok so he may be my boyfriend and I might be a little biased, BUT that doesn't change that fact that he is one awesome artist. This blog was created to showcase local artists, and well Will is one at that, therefore here he is. He is a jack of all trades (printmaker, painter, illustrator and cycling apparel designer) who just created his first website showcasing his goods. Find him here and then after you check out all his awesome stuff "like" him here. (because we all know that you haven't made it until you have everyone in the world "like" your page.) Currently you can check him out at Ear Peace Record Shop in Berkeley where he is the art director curating shows and selling his art. Do it!

Soon I will be back in the near future with several projects that I have documented and finished, but have been too lazy to upload to my computer. In the meantime, I introduce to you the new additions to my succulent family:

On the far right is Rayanne Graff (a grafted cactus), the other two are to be named.

This is Al.
Is it the weekend yet?

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Look, I Finally Made Something

First I sized & cut the quills 

Then I added the endings

Then came the hooks

Excuse the lame self-pic, but Will wasn't down to model these. 

This weekend consisted of far too much day drinking, too little sleep due to newly developed insomnia and the most stressful days of work. But in between all of that, I actually started on some of my Indie-Mart projects. I finished all three sets of the porcupine earrings! They're super easy to make, as you can see in the above pictures, these pups (porqcs) will be selling for only five dolla, which I think is pretty reasonable. I also started on a new necklace that I am super stoked about. The beads I got for them cost more than I'll be selling the necklace for, but I figure if no one buys it I'll get to keep it, which I am perfectly happy with as well. Oh, and I also added three new friends to my plant collection. They'll be making their internet debut in the near future.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shiny Things pt 2

All Photos belong to Big Things

Ok, ok, so these necklaces aren't really "shiny" per say, but they ARE amazingly awesome. Big Things is an awesome collective that features different art, home decor, jewelry and other knick-knacks made by various artist all over the world. These awesome, almost freaky, horse hair necklaces are made here! in San Francisco! by Elizabeth Prost. They are absolutely amazing and there is something about them that just screams Angelina Jolie-Billy Bob Thornton-blood-vile-necklace, which only makes me love them even more. They are made out of 100% real horsehair and are made to order. I'm not kidding when I say I may be saving up for one of these...or maybe two...

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Shiny Finds pt 2

Today, I bring to you Lillian Crowe, an amazing metal arts jeweler. I first stumbled upon her in my never ending quest for the perfect pyramid ring. The majority of her jewelry has a morbid desolate feel, but that is exactly what I love about it. I scoped through her website and picked out my favorites. I love the singular pyramid ring simply because it is the first ring

It's Sunny Out?

     I saw the new X-men movie last night with Will's roommates and my friend Natalie. It's the first ever x-men/marvel related movie I've ever seen. (At one point I turned to Will and asked if the Hulk is in this movie, which elicited an "are you serious" look.) It was actually pretty interesting, especially because it only cost me $5 thanks to the $5 tuesday special at Jack London Square. Anyways, I have been working like mad on several different projects. I'm tackling three pairs of earrings, ten necklaces and a needlepoint for a friend. Pretty much I always have some sort of craft with me at all times. Although, I did finish an embroidered hanky with Will's initials for when he prints.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shiny Finds

As of late, I have been on a huge jewelry-internet-trolling-binge. It most likely has to due with the fact that I am supposed to have about 10 necklaces and 3 sets of earrings completed in about a month to sell at the San Francisco Indie-Mart, the first place that I will ever sell/show any of my jewelry. Nonetheless, in my internet hunt, I have come across so many inspiring jewelry designers that I have decided to start sharing some of them with you. The first on the list is Laura Lombardi. She is currently selling some of her beautiful creations on the UrbanOutfitters website for a suprisingly affordable price, something that I always love to hear. I find that her fall/winter 2010 collection is my favorite of all with the simple shapes and lines made out of delicate metals. And not only do I love her jewelry, but I love when it is accompanied by nice photos. With that said, you should take a look and hopefully you'll be just as inspired as I am.

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Funday

Today was spent sleeping in, going to breakfast, spending hours in a beadstore and best of all: A planting project! About a month ago I scored this planter, pumice stone and soil at CVS for only 15 bucks. I figured it would be a good oppurtunity to start a planting project that I have had in mind for quite sometime. Living in the Sunset pretty much makes it impossible to keep any sort of foliage alive, thus the idea of a succulent garden was born. I've been on the hunt for the most beautiful (and cheap, of course) succulents and finally found them today at a local nursery.First I had to mix the pumice rocks in with the soil. (Pumice helps the soil absorb more water) Then I positioned the succulents where I wanted and tightly packed in the soil and finished off with a nice watering to settle the soil and plants in. In about five minutes I had this adorable little sucker to liven up my apartment. So with that, I introduce to you Debbi, Blue and Anchovie!

Wanna try it yourself? All you need is :
-Pumice rocks-
-Flowers (duh)-

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Songs for Moms

The weather today has kept Will and I inside all day playing Bananagrams, Uno and listening to music. I figured it would be a good time to introduce a band that has been frequenting my Ipod as of lately.  Songs For Moms are a local (Oakland) all girl band  who hold a special spot in my heart due merely to the fact that they are Will and I's "band". (We don't so much as have a song, but a band. It's kinda the same thing, right?) Anyways, I am always in support of local awesome music. They just released their second album "I Used to Believe in the West" on thrillhouse records, a mission based record label. Although, I have to say that some of my favorite songs of theirs are on their first album, "The Worse It Gets Better". (Tracks 1 and 3, to be exact.) So, take a listen and check out their myspace and ENJOY.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Nesting Feeling

I've been a tad bit MIA the past two days due to the fact that I have been helping Will move to his new house. The amount of stuff that boy had to move was insane. One word: Hoarder. But nonetheless, despite the numerous times carrying overstuffed boxes up and down the stairs, it is always fun and exciting to stand in the doorway of a completely empty room and figure out how it's all going to look. All this house hubub only made me more excited for moving myself. In approximately two months, my sister and I will be making the move over to the East Bay. Sadly, it means I will be leaving my beloved (first!) apartment, but it has to happen someday, right? Naturally, I've spent the past few nights trolling the internet for inspiring design photos to try to contain some of my excitement. 

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